Monday, September 22, 2008


Yes, that is our family's journal basket. We keep everyone's journal in here and then on Sunday afternoon get the basket down and everyone writes about special events that happened in their week. It's so much more fun now that the girls can write well. Sometimes we share what we have written and talk about things that have happened during the week.
Well, as I was writing in mine yesterday, I skimmed through the pages and thought how boring this is going to seem to my posterity. They will all be asking why Grandma Shauna did the boring journal and didn't have a blog with pictures and video clips. Plus, it makes it so much more fun to share with family and friends! Now don't get me wrong a journal is perfect for sorting out thoughts and feelings, but a blog sure can bring your life TO LIFE. SOOOO here I go again, I won't run from it! I am excited to share things that we have done and are doing!


tren said...

HOORAY! A new blog post from Shauna! Hang in there and don't give up. At first it's tough, but once it becomes a habit, it hardly takes any time or effort at all.

Becki Madsen said...

I am counting on you Shauna! Good luck!