Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Las Vegas

Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard by cheeks and stomach hurt.  I felt like we were kids again.


We went up to the temple.

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Saw the view late one night on top of the Statosphere.


We shopped a bit, and did M&M World.



We got all fixed up and went to the show La Reve.  We had a double suite at Tahiti Village.  Kristy was getting ready in one bathroom, and I in the other.  When we both came out we realized that we were wearing the SAME skirt. 



Doug and Bethany met us for dinner and the show.


We went and played Bingo one afternoon.  We were the clueless ones with the papers and blotters.  Everyone else had these fancy electronic boards.  We giggled and would get mad as all these strangers kept winning.  It was hard figuring out all of the Bingo configurations and which sheet we were on.

Then near the last round DAD won a big money round!  He said Bingo kind of soft and Keith yelled out louder, “my dad just got Bingo”.  Sure enough he won, and the rest of the day mom kept saying, “dinner is on your dad…. this treat is on your dad… breakfast is on your dad”.  I don’t think he left with any of his winnings.  :)

Vegas19 Don’t we look like we are struggling a bit…

Vegas20We checked out all of the crazies one night on Fremont Street. 



We pretended like we were in New York.

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We pretended like we could hold up our brother, but we needed our other sister, Tanya to help us! :)  Tanya we missed YOU!!!!


We had fun with a birthday celebration for Keith at Denny’s one morning. 


Kristy and I went without our spouses.  They were home tending kids and working to pay for our fun trip.  So Kristy and I hung together.  Here we are kicked back at the USO in the Las Vegas airport.  We had our feet up in the recliners in the movie room watching Steel Magnolias, eating treats, and giggling so much that we were probably annoying everyone around us.

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Vegas ROCKED!  So many fun memories that I will treasure forever!  Thanks for planning all of it Keith!  AND thanks for sharing your winnings Dad!


charla coley said...

Thanks for all your fun pictures and dialogue. It was such a fun weekend. I so love you all.

Janessa said...

Mormons do Vegas. Love it! Sounds like ya'll had a blast! What a great weekend!