Tuesday, September 7, 2010


It was a chilly day ...

"Ash, you need to wear jeans today"  She only wears skirts or dresses.

"NO mom, that is for boys"

"Ash, I wear jeans."

"Ya, and when you do, you look like a boy!"


Teachinfourth said...


So, grounding for two weeks or scrubbing toilets?

Jacqueline said...

Ha, ha, good for her!
I only wear skirts/dresses too, in celebration of my God-given femininity. There are plenty of ways to keep warm in them, starting with tights. Actually, most of my skirts for the really cold part of winter I sew myself, because it's hard to find skirts in warmer materials.
By the way, I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and have been following it faithfully since. I love the things you do with your family!!