Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas in San Antonio, Texas

All of Stephen’s family got together in Utah for Christmas.  Some of my family decided to get together in San Antonio at my sister’s house.  We were having a hard time deciding where to go, but then my sister’s husband got orders for their family to deploy to Korea for TWO years.  We HAD to go to San Antonio to make memories before they left.

I LOVE my sister, our husbands get along, our kids all match up in ages and adore each other, it was perfect!  We were talking afterward how no one even fought ONCE!

Anyway, memories were definitely made!  We started out our trip staying in Lubbock, having a pillow fight in the hotel and enjoying Texas shaped waffles for breakfast.


Hotel Hotel2 Hotel3 Texas  The kids immediately paired up and started doing their own thing.  All around the house could be found little pairing working on projects, playing games, and talking.

Spillane's Spillane's4 Spillane's5

Many rainbow loom bracelets were made!

The next day we headed over to take a picture of all the kids with Santa at Bass Pro, but ended up with a picture in front of the antler tree.


Then we went downtown to check out the Alamo.  We saw a lot of Davy Crockett’s old possessions and all kinds of other artifacts.  According to Stephen, we didn’t read and learn enough while we were there, could that be due to the fact that we had a TON of little kids with us. 

Alamo Alamo2 Alamo3 Alamo4 Alamo5 Alamo6 

We then walked down the River Walk to do lunch.   We laughed as Aunt Kristy offered a PBJ sandwich to Super Dave.  Nathan had his soccer ball with him, which started everything.  I kept smiling the rest of the day at the little interchange of conversation with Super Dave.

The River Walk was beautiful.  It’s so cool how it flows through restaurants, hotels and even the mall.  Here are a few pics from our walk.

 River Walk River Walk2 River Walk3 River Walk4 River Walk5 

We ended at the Market to do a little more Christmas shopping.


After our walk, we spotted a two story McDonald’s and decided it was time for a treat.

Mc Mc2 

We had beautiful weather and a beautiful day!

Lou’s Big Pizza was another HUGE hit!  This is what the kids’ faces looked like when then brought it to our table…


Pizza  Pizza3 Pizza4

 Pizza8 Pizza5

They brought these long plates to the table before the pizza arrived.  We were all quite curious and then the pizza came!  It was a 42 incher, but they also make a 62 inch pizza.  It was BIGGGG!!!!  It was good too!


  1. How fun is that!?! I am so glad you got to make that trip and spend such special time with them before they leave!

  2. Fun! What a great opportunity to make some wonderful memories before they move. Glad you enjoyed your time in Texas! We live in Fort Worth and love all the good people here in Texas. I went with my daughter to San Antonio for a field trip a few weeks ago and loved it there! Did you get to visit the river walk at night? It is amazing, especially with all the Christmas lights. Feel free to stop by if you're ever down this way again and need a bathroom break or something:)
