Monday, February 4, 2013


It seems like you go through stages in life.  I couldn’t wait until all of my babies were out of diapers and I didn’t have to buy anymore.  I thought that we would be rich for sure without buying bulk diapers.  Yet, that meant no more babies in my house.

Then there is reading.  It takes so much patience as pre-schoolers are sounding out words.  I couldn’t wait until they were all reading and I didn’t have to sit and endure the phonograms.  Well, Jerrica is reading.  She is by far my youngest to learn how to read.  She has always LOVED stacks of books.  Now she has to read out loud with me, and with Steve, and with her older siblings EVERY day.  She reads a lot each day and because of it has gotten really good.

Fly Went By2 It makes me sad that soon she will just sit and read her book, and won’t want me to read her pile of picture books.  Yet, I couldn’t wait until they were all reading.

Here’s another stage that I’m dreading going through SIX times…

PermitEd  You want them to achieve these different milestones, yet each of them make me sad because they are getting older and more independent. 

I just need to embrace each and every stage, since they are gone in a blink of an eye.


  1. It brings a tear to my eye that Jake has his permit! Bobby gets his next month. Not sure if I am ready for all this! Seems like they were just little boys. I don't remember getting older!
