Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Links in the Chain FHE

An anchor is defined as something “that provides stability or confidence in an otherwise uncertain situation.”

I shared this piece from Russell Ballard’s talk at a fireside given at BYU in 1992-

“Have you ever watched a large ship weigh anchor? It is fascinating to see and hear the massive links of chain screeching against the metal bow of the ship as the anchor is raised. Now, the metal links of the anchor chain are incredibly heavy, but their weight is slight when compared to the total weight of the ship. Still, if an anchor is placed properly on the bottom of the sea, it can a hold a giant ship fast, even in rough seas.

Just as ships need anchors to keep them from drifting away on the open seas, people need spiritual anchors in their lives if they are to remain steadfast and not drift into the sea of temptation and sin. Faith in God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the main anchor we must have in our lives to hold us fast during times of social turbulence and wickedness that seem to be everywhere today.”


We then discussed how important the massive anchor chain is.  Suppose a beautiful sailing ship having been manufactured from the finest materials and reinforced for the roughest seas.  The mast and sails are sturdy and seaworthy.  The anchor is above standard size, weight, and craftsmanship.  BUT for some reason the chain attached to the anchor is inferior and weak.  Visualize what would happen the first time the anchor is lowered, or the first time a strong wave pushed the anchored ship out to sea.  If any link of the chain holding the anchor broke, the anchor would be left to rust on the bottom of the ocean floor, and the ship would drift aimlessly perhaps even be destroyed.

We then came up with the links that we need to strengthen in order to keep us with our Heavenly Father.  We made our own paper chain with the various ideas that were mentioned in our discussion.  We also talked about how easy it might be to neglect one link and then what happens to the chain as that one link is weakened.

Of course our chain is on our fridge by my little reminder poster –


Making paper chains, being together as a family, and discussing the gospel made for a perfect Family Home Evening.


  1. We love your FHE lessons. Simple yet so profound. Just as the gospel should be. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You kind of make me sick... of myself. Seriously, you are such a strong, spiritual anchor for your family, and a great example to me. Your ideas help me be a better mom!
