Jacob helped with the Freshman Homecoming float this year. The theme was Fire and Ice. He was in charge of the snow monster or Yeti. They had quite a few “get togethers” to put it all together. My camera wasn’t allowed anywhere near the project, BUT Jacob took some pictures on HIS cell phone…..
The Yeti did turn out awesome and he had a ton of compliments on it.
The night they had the Homecoming parade was insane driving around. I took Jacob to his swim practice. Then I picked him up and dropped him off at the Homecoming football game. THEN I picked him up from that and ran him out to the forest for night games with some of his friends from church. It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t have so many other kids that I was running around at the same time.
The problem with teenagers is that their activities and parties are LATE at night when all of my energy is gone. Jacob really needs to get his permit so that he can get a license!
Super duper!!!! He is so artistically talented like his mama!