Monday, July 18, 2011


I saw this idea HERE.  I then forwarded it to my dad and told him it would be fun to have this on their patio to play while all of the grandkids were there.  SOOO when we get down to my parents’ house there sits FOUR sets of this giant Jenga.  I said, “Dad, why did you cut so many?”  To which he replied, “I knew if I had to cut one for you, all of your sisters would want a set too!”  He is learning. :)

We set up one for the girls and one for the boys and played us a little Jenga, I mean BIG Jenga….

 Jenga2 Jenga3 Jenga4

And it was a HIT!


FYI, my dad just used 2x4’s and cut them each 10.5 inches.  He cut 54 for each set.  We didn’t sand them, and it worked just fine.  It probably would be good to sand the blocks though.

Thanks again DAD!


  1. What a great idea!!! Thanks for always sharing such fun ideas.

  2. How fun is that. I can imagine all the possibilities. Game nights with friends, bbq's, father and son's, etc.

  3. ol' Ern didn't offer me a set..rude. Haha just kidding, those look awesome!

  4. I'm the catalog designer for a publishing company. I'm working on our summer issue now. We like to include "content" pages with craft ideas. May I have your permission to use one of these pictures? (We found this on Pinterest and repined it to one of our boards.) I'll include a link to your page so you get credit.
    Thank you,
    Angela Decker
    Catalog designer for Books & Things: Especially for Families (owned by Cedar Fort Publishing)

  5. How many 2x4's did he use?

  6. You would have to do the math. There are 54 pieces.

  7. It's about 6-96" boards. I'm currently at the HomeDepot having the boards cut. The first two cuts are free each additional cut a dollar. Just in case other DIY'ers are reading this and are not in the mood to "do-it-yourself" or are under time constraints. Thanks for posting!

  8. I am making one (my hubby)

  9. My husband made one for my daughter. He got 6 - 2 x 4 x 8 boards with mitered edges. It took him about 75 minutes to cut them all. :-)

  10. Quick Question... I'm looking at making this game for a carnival. What is the youngest age child you think this would be safe to play? Or are the pieces of wood not as heavy as they look? I'm just a little worried about squishing a little kid! Thanks so much!

  11. I still have a set I made back in the late 80's that we've always referred to it as "Lawn Jenga". One tip for everyone. Use 2x3 boards instead of 2x4s. Dimensionally it's a better scale-up of the original table game. Did it with both 2x4 and 2x3 and the 2x3 is a little less stable and a lot more challenging & fun at the party, especially after a few drinks.

  12. What a totally cool outdoor game to have. Thinking that I might just have to make one for the grandboys for Nana's house. Thanks for sharing the amount and sizes.

  13. There are many games that allow you to improve memory and other mental abilities while having fun, such as Jenga Giant.
