Friday, February 18, 2011

Family Name Scrabble

The title pretty much sums up my project...


I thought that I had all the names arranged just right to make it work, only to find out that the configuration didn't fit into my frame.  I felt like I was playing soduko with letters.  I DO love the finished project, even if my picture doesn't do it justice.  There is just something about dimension that adds appeal.

I'm just glad that our family "fits" together!


  1. Oh! and I love the package....Next one is on me :)

    The blanket is soooooo soft!!!

  2. I love this idea! Mind if I use the idea for my family?

  3. That is adorable! I LOVE the idea! I want to make one too. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I LOVE this!
    Where did you get your scrabble letters?
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. You can get the letters on amazon they sell by bags and are not to pricey. I want to know about frame are tiles to thick to close back of frame?

  6. The frame doesn't have a glass on the front so it doesn't matter how thick the tiles are because they can stick out the front.
