Monday, January 31, 2011

Rebecca's School Projects

Wanted to post some of Rebecca's latest projects and activities.  She had to do a puppet and report on an animal.  She chose the elephant.  I couldn't find any gray felt so we ended up cutting up an old gray turtle neck shirt to cover her cardboard cut out.  We used the sleeve of the shirt to be the trunk.  It was stapled and glued, but seemed to hold up for the presentation.

Elephant Puppet

Then Rebecca's class was able to dissect buffalo eyes.  I love this dissection because they are so big and you are able to see all the parts of the eye, from the optic nerve to the retina.  BTW I think the retina is such a beautiful aqua color.


Eye3 Eye4  Eye2 The other fun event for Rebecca was having lunch with her teacher Mrs. White.  One morning she found a card on her desk that invited her and a friend to have lunch in the classroom with Mrs White, AND that Mrs. White would have a dessert.  She was thrilled and told us every detail of their conversation.

ALSO, Mrs. White had all of the kids in class write one positive sentence about everyone in the classroom.  She then made a sheet for each student that had all of these positive comments about themselves.  Rebecca came home grinning ear to ear with her paper.  She said, "Mom, you aren't the only one that thinks I'm pretty and smart."  Sure love that Mrs. White and all she does!


  1. I loved disecting the eye when I was a was so cool to learn more about the eye.

    Your pictures are too fun.

  2. first I thought that that wasn't a real eye.


    And gross.

    I love what the teacher does about having lunch with a group of kids...I'm going to start doing that in my own classroom.

    Thanks for the killer idea!

  3. Okay, I have to share that I started this with my 5th graders this week...the kids LOVE it. I have one who is adamant that HE needs to eat lunch with me soon. He says he can't wait as long as the other kids because this is important.

    Thanks for the great idea. I often will eat in the lunchroom with my class, but this two to one interaction is awesome.
