Thursday, January 6, 2011


I almost ate an entire loaf of French bread with this dip over the holidays and I had three different people call asking for this recipe.  So I thought that I would share it here.  It's Aunt Racquel's recipe and it's divine.  I have had a lot of artichoke dips, but for some reason this just tops them all.
Artichoke Dip
I'm sooo excited that the Friend magazine is doing the cute little posters again this year.  They are fun to post on the fridge each month.
Speaking of our fridge, my mom sent a cute magnetic snowman to go on our fridge.  BUT our fridge isn't white and the snowman just didn't look quite right.  Our door to the garage is magnetic and our little snowman has been fun on that back door.  Thanks mom!
I like to decorate with snowmen for the month of January so Mr. magnetic snoman is perfect.  I also put up the light fishbowl snowmen that Kim made me last year and decorated our little holiday shelves.
I noticed today that Target has some fun Valentine things in their dollar section for the kids mailboxes next month.  I grabbed some of the pink hot chocolate packets.

AND one last bit of randomness, a bloggy friend suggested this cute book series.  We checked them out from the library and .... they are sooo fun.  They are filled with rhyme and funny scenarios.  You can check them out here -Learning to Ski with Mr. Magee

And that is another one of my random posts filled with a little of everything!


  1. Hi there :o)

    First of all, I LOVE your blog - your posts and photos are inspiring to me!

    Second of all, I read your post last year about the Bright Idea page found in the Friend. Not too long after, I was called as primary president. I frame the Bright Idea page every month and use it as part of our sharing time. The kids love it. Thanks for the great idea!

    - Erica in Salt Lake

  2. How did you make the little fishbowl snowman. They are so cute

  3. I would also love instructions on the fishbowl snowman. They are adorable!

  4. thanks for the artichoke dip recipe! my husband used to love getting it from costco. but no costco here in france, i'm just going to have to make it! an dcan't wait to start pinning up those cute posters on my fridge! thanks shauna

  5. Ditto on the Snowman fishbowls.

    I wonder if it's ok to take the poster out of the building library's copy of the Friend? I like to add some colour and fun to our library.
