Friday, October 29, 2010

Everything Waits for ME!

Remember when I posted this earlier in the year ... well, I've sure been feeling it again....

My scriptures lay there waiting for me to pick them up.  My fat waits for me to exercise it off, so I try and go work-out.  I come home and see that the laundry and dishes have waited for me to do them.  The house hasn't  started cleaning itself, it too has waited for me.  I look at what to make for dinner and once again it sits waiting in the pantry.  All my fun projects lie in wait for my hands to get a hold of them.  My kids wait for me to do something fun with them, my husband waits on that one too!

I feel like EVERYTHING is waiting for me.  Everything waits for me, except for TIME.  I wish that time would wait.  I wish that I could pause time here and there.  I could really get ahead if I could pause time.  Wouldn't that be awesome to pause time in the morning, get EVERYTHING done, then start time to do whatever your heart desired.

Well I better go, sleep is waiting for me now...

Seriously how do YOU get EVERYTHING done?!?!?


  1. I was pretty sure you HAD figured out how to stop time? I mean, how else do you do everything you do? I love reading your blog, and you have (on many occasions) inspired me to make the extra effort, do the little things that will be remembered and to start some new family traditions. Whatever you're doing, keep it up. You're amazing!!

  2. ditto nicole, my first thought was, i don't...followed by the thought, you can't get it all done if your list of things to do includes so much FUN, extra stuff EVERY DAY~ one day your kids will realize how much their lives were enriched by their fun, fun and all...for now, just think of it as a trade off...enjoying your kids, or having everything on the list checked off at the end of the day...seriously, is that even a choice? i heard a cute quote the other day which i can't recall clearly at the moment, but the last line of it was "I don't stay home with my kids to be housekeeping, but homemaking"

  3. I just want to say that whatever you are doing with your time keep it up! You seem to accomplish more in a day than I could ever dream of, and then blog about it all to inspire the rest of us! Thanks for your inspiration!

  4. You don't know me but I think your sister does. We lived in Colorado Springs for a while and I think that we were in the same ward. I got a link to your blog off of another friend and have followed it for a few months. LOVE it! I too can't get enough pictures of "moments".

    Anyway, to answer your question...I don't. I have a lot of things waiting on me too. In the long run...we'll have plenty of time for all of them. For now, I think we just have to choose the "better" things on a list of a whole lot of "good" things and allow ourselves to let the rest go. There's only so much multi-tasking a woman can do. :)

  5. I don't go for perfection and anything that I can accomplish in each area will bless my family no matter how small or big it is.

    I love reading your blog. This is the first time I have commented because this is the topic I have been thinking about lately.

    Thank you for sharing your journey with me!

  6. um, I don't even have kids yet and I DON'T get it all done! :) You are a rockstar and an inspiration to many of us. Whatever your doing-just keep doing it and let the dishes wait till tomorrow!

  7. my EVERYTHING is a lot less than your EVERYTHING too.
    but, i don't think the kids will remember the days the dishes weren't done. they will remember the fun traditions.
    next week you will have it all together again.
    you really CAN do EVERYTHING.
    just not all at the same time.
    i LOVE your blog. it reminds me to do the fun stuff, not just the laundry.

  8. Sometimes you have to decide what your list of priorities are...and somethings will just have to wait. I don't have kids, and still lack to time to do things that need to be done.
    Very similar list: fat to burn, dishes to wash, dinner to make, errands to run, house repairs to make, pictures to take off the camera, family to visit, calls to make....the list goes on and on and sometimes you just have to make the best decision you can...and don't look back. It can feel like it's stacking up, though, and it can add to the feelings of being overwhelmed and inadequate.
    I hope you know you are one of the most incredible people I have ever met and have the pleasure to still be in contact with.

  9. Oh, if you figure out a way to pause time in the morning until everything gets done that needs to be done, please let me know! I've been feeling the exact same way! And for the record, I'm single. Of course, then we'd probably only end up wanting to do even more, so maybe a 24 hour day is God's way of reminding us that our capacities are limited.
    And ditto Nicole for the rest!

  10. I love this post. It is so true. You know, over the years, I have been "blessed" with different trials to help me learn that things will ALWAYS be waiting for me, but moments with my children will pass all too quickly. I don't get everything done. But I try to focus on doing what matters :)

  11. I am so glad that I'm not the only one feeling this way, and you need to know that you aren't alone either. You don't know me, but I visit your blog almost daily and I so appreciate all you do. It helps me to do more great things with less time with all of your great ideas. And what I know for sure is that all good and valuable things will wait until we get to them and that no matter how hard we try, we can really only do one thing at a time.

  12. What a great post! I loved reading through all of the comments too. Such great advice! I really don't have anything else to add. I think it's easy for me to get caught up in my own little world with my own little "to do" list and feel like I just can't do it. It's great to be reminded that there are so many amazing women out there doing their best but still feeling overwhelmed sometimes too. Your blog is so great because it reminds me what things are important and worth spending time on. Thanks!
