Wednesday, August 11, 2010


My kids love to play pretend.  When they were with their cousins down at my mom's house, they were pretending in her office room that they were a "Save The Whales" organization.  Nathan knocked on the door telling them that he was a famous soccer player and was going to donate a large sum of money to their organization.  It was fun to see Kaylee and Shelby have him sign his name on a special sheet of paper.  It was just fun to see the interactions and conversations.

One pretend play scenario they love is Librarian.  They play in the loft with all the books and dvds in the bookcases.  They kinda make it into a library.  The librarian uses a small flashlight to scan books.  She stands by her little table helping others find books and scanning others.  Today Rebecca was playing librarian with the two little girls.  I told the boys to go up and "check" out some books from them.  You would have thought the boys were super heroes entering the library by the girls' response.


The librarian that checks out the books works extremely hard.  She always has to say a day of the week to her patron so that they will know when the books are due back.

Librarian3 Librarian6

Sometimes there is a moment of freak out when the pile of books to be checked out is huge.


Sometimes she might glance at a book if she gets a minute.


She is always grateful for those that keep coming back to check out books.  She takes this work very seriously!


And if she sees you taking pictures, she will give you a face to take a picture of!


Thanks for being such good sports, boys.  You made the little girls day!


  1. Kudos to the boys for being heroes! I love that 'crazy' photo as well, it screams character.

  2. What a cute little librarian! Well, let's be honest... ALL those kids are cute!

  3. Haha. I so want to have this librarian come and visit! I think my kids would read more! Such good brothers to make her feel special!!!!!

  4. ahhh! those are great shots! you can see her sincerity in her role! love it! such great boys to help her out!

  5. Seriously! Jerica's expressions are priceless! So fun to see.
