Monday, December 7, 2009

Silver Dollars

I have a sweet friend who works a graveyard shift and is always finding funny or inspiring videos on youtube.  Well, as I was looking at her last set of “finds”.  I saw this one.

I have ALWAYS loved this story and didn’t realize that there was now a video clip to go along with it.  I immediately knew that it would be perfect for a FHE, especially now at Christmas time.  We showed it to the kids and talked about how we feel when we do good deeds for others versus how we feel after doing pranks that hurt others.

Then I gave each of the kids a BIG silver dollar (I say big because they were the older silver dollars)  I had picked them up today at the bank as I was running errands.  I encouraged them to keep it with their change in their purses or piggy banks and to NOT spend it, but to use it as a constant reminder to them in how they are helping those in need.

Sometimes its just the little things that we do which really help others in big ways! 

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