Thursday, December 3, 2009

Eleven Degrees

I have decided that the REAL reason why I put on weight in the winter, is so that I can keep warm.  I think I will have to put on hundreds of pounds to combat these FREEZING cold temperatures. 

Today as I was driving over to a friend’s house it was ELEVEN degrees according to my van.  I was glad to stay warm and take pictures of her new little one.  We got soo many fun pictures.


Then I had to drive to the school to pick up Jacob because he had hurt his knee playing football at recess.  Once again the van said ELEVEN degrees.

Next I was running errands and getting a couple of things to make Aunt Kathy’s toffee for a party tonight.


As I pulled out of Costco’s parking lot I looked at the temperature once again and it said ELEVEN degrees.  I knew it was FREEZING, but started to think that my van’s thermometer was stuck on ELEVEN.

Then tonight as I drove home from the party I looked at the temperature and it said FOUR degrees!  So I guess it’s not stuck on eleven. 

OH, why can’t it be in the 70’s!!!!!

1 comment:

Ryan M. Spillane said...

Angie's baby is so CUTE!

And your Toffee looks so yummy!!!!