Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Blessing Boys

Here is the last and final post of our Utah trip.  Like I said we went for the blessings of our two new nephews AND they have to be included!  Without further adieu here are Giddeon and Austin.



Aren’t they SOOO cute!?!  Here are two more from the Halloween party.



OK now that I am all caught up, I have some fun Thanksgiving traditions to share with you.  I LOVE Thanksgiving and feel like it gets neglected “during” the month.  Yes we all remember the feast at the end of the month.  But we should really be learning about gratitude throughout the month of November.  I feel that gratitude is such an important character trait to develop.  Anyway, I will post a few of our traditions and what I am trying to do with my kids during this special month.  Please share any ideas that YOU have!

1 comment:

  1. totally cute pictures! Neither looks too impressed with it all, though.

    Sooooo sorrrrryyyyy we didn't hook up! I was working crazy hours (someone quit, so I worked when I normally DON'T work).
