Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shooting BB Guns

The boys had two friends, (Boyd and Spencer) spend the weekend with us.  The parents were off having a fun getaway in Oregon.  Anyway, one of the things we did while they were here was a little shooting competition.  Stephen had water balloons, pop cans, and targets all set up for the boys.

Shooting Shooting2


I’m just glad that no one got shot!  The boys sure had fun having friends sleep over.  I told Stephen that we should’ve had two more boys so that we could have four and four.  BUT right now as I type this and have everyone yelling, I think we had SIX too many kids!!!


  1. You two are such amazing parents you could handle 12!!!

  2. Before you know it, BB guns will somehow turn into 22's and shot guns! They grow up so fast!
