Thursday, April 28, 2011

Writing Tutors

I had a Writing Tutors site contact me about their services.  It looks like an awesome online resource.  We depend on our writing skills our entire lives.  I was thinking of how a couple of my kids could benefit, but then I started wondering if they contacted me to help ME with MY writing.  :)

We do have a lot of writers here at the Thompson house.  This little girl in particular likes to write notes to her family…


She really enjoys writing in the mini notebooks.  I really enjoy taking pictures.  A win, win for both of us!


Anyway, check out The Writing Tutors.  They can help YOU!

Thompson Ledger

So we are always borrowing money from one of the kids.  There is always a field trip, teacher gift, tournament that someone needs cash for.  Then AFTER I pay back whomever lent the money, I always get, “you never paid me back mom…”  SO I end up paying the child AGAIN.  Or maybe it is forgotten and the nice lender is never paid back.

The other aspect is when we are in a store and one of the kids want to borrow money and then I forget to have them pay me back.  To end all of this headache, especially this time of year, I created a Thompson Money book….

 Money Book

It has a page for each of us.  Then columns for the date, reason money is being exchanged, two places to initial for both parties, and then the amount.  This way I can prove that I HAVE paid them back, and each of the kids can keep track of their money that they loan out.  It is basically a loan or I Owe You book, so that money quarrels won’t be quarrels anymore!

And you better believe that I’m keeping track because I’m tired of paying back twice!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Soul Surfer

Another busy weekend filled with soccer, Easter, older girls singing at Stake Women’s Conference, double date with the Mumma’s, AND a date to see …


My cute friend Angie and I took our older girls to see Soul Surfer.  It was so fun to sit and laugh with a friend, watch an inspiring movie, and see sweet expressions on my girls faces as they watched. Rebecca told me that she almost cried sooo many times during the movie.

Today before church when Rebecca showed me the picture she had drawn of the movie, I couldn’t resist snapping a couple pictures of the girls together.   I wish that I would have taken a picture of Angie and Emma with us.  Pictures just save memories for me!  Oh well, these will have to do…. Big Girls

Big Girls2

Big Girls3

They are such good friends and get so giggly.   I hope they always stay close to each other. 

Here is the Soul Surfer picture Rebecca made….Soul SurferED


I LOVED studying those scripture passages that I shared from the “Friend” this week.  I feel that we had more focus on the Savior for the week.  One night I DID stop and get naan bread.  We ate it as we talked about the Last Supper and Jesus washing his disciples feet.  What a good activity to actually rub each other’s feet.  Can you imagine how dirty and calloused feet were during Christ's time, since they wore sandals.

We had a delicious Easter dinner, where we talked more about Christ’s resurrection.  We did another centerpiece like last years.  I think that centerpieces set a mood and can give meaningful conversation to a table ….
Kaylee had been asked to share her testimony in Primary and it was so good to hear her sweet thoughts.  I enjoyed this message as well …

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

There is something about ALL of the bright colors and the white canvas of each egg…. Egg Dye

Egg Dy2e  Jerrica was busy dipping egg wrappers in boiling water with Nathan’s help.  Ash was trying to peel and eat every egg she had.  Rebecca was writing with the crayon on all her eggs.  Kaylee kept trying the shiny foil egg technique, and finally mastered it, creating a “Golden Egg”.

Egg Dy3e

Now I have a fridge FILLED with Easter eggs and one less thing to do over the weekend!

Bunny Treat

Choco Bunny

The girls and I made bunny treats for teachers.  Rebecca even took one to her Jazz teacher tonight.  I saw the idea on Martha Stewart.  We wrapped giant Hershey bars  in copy paper, gave them a little face and then wrote a sweet “some bunny loves you” note.

Choco Bunn2y

Thursday, April 21, 2011


We were walking into the YMCA today and the wind was HORRIBLE.  My hair and the little girls hair was blowing everywhere, so I said,

"This wind is blowing our hair away." 

As soon as we get inside, Jerrica looks up at me with her big, scared eyes and says,

"Mom, is my hair all gone from the wind"

I couldn't help but smile as I could picture her little mind watching the wind blow our hair, thinking that it was pulling hair out.  I pointed out that Ashley and I still had our hair and that she was just fine too. 

She is always bringing a smile to my face with her sweet innocence!

JErra Me First

Maria the Multilingual Mom

I met Maria on my mission in Ecuador.  She now lives in France and was just featured in a video clip.  Take a look at how cute her family is ...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nathan and Goals

So family came into town because Nathan turned 12 and received the Aaronic Priesthood at church.  We are so proud of him and the choices he is making in his life. 

Here he is with both sets of grandparents...

Nathan Grandparents

He also completed his Faith in God.  It is a program in our church that is filled with goals to complete.  I am so grateful for programs like this and the goals that make us stretch and reach a little farther than we normally would.  I know that by completing goals when you are young, you learn the habit of setting and reaching goals. 

Stephen has always been so good about helping the kids set and work on their goals.  He does father interviews with each of the kids on the first Sunday of each month.  It might not be EVERY month, but I bet he does it at least 8 of the 12, AND has done it since our boys were little. 

He has a notebook that he dates and lists each of the kids.  The little girls draw and doodle in his notebook as he talks with them.  He dates the page and writes a few comments.  He may talk to them about keeping their room cleaner and what they can do to accomplish that.  He used to have a little outline that he would follow for the interview.  The older ones answer questions and set new goals for the month.  Steve prints up their goals for them to hang on their bulletin boards. 

I think that it is important on some goals to share them with others so that they can encourage and help you achieve them.  I hear Steve reminding Rebecca to practice her splits before she goes to bed, or he is reminding someone to read their scriptures so they can get 30 days in a row.  I'm grateful for him instilling the importance of goals into our kids.  I keep telling him that he needs to do an interview with me and help me with some of my goals. :)

ANYWAY, we are proud of you Nathan for getting your Faith in God!

Faith in God

Weekend Update

We loved visiting all of the family that came into town.  This little guy was like a toy for my kids to play with.  They couldn't get enough of him and kept asking me to have one more little boy baby.


Friday morning we loaded up the family and treats and headed off to see "Rio".


Then we drug everyone around to see Jazz practices, volleyball games, soccer games, and swimming.  Jacob was excited to go swimming one morning with Aunt Lindsey and Grandma Brenda in tow, to help give him pointers.  I wanted all of the grandparents to see the kids in their various activities that they are involved in, but it sure made for a busy weekend that didn't have much sightseeing.  We were VERY lucky to have ALL of the games in Colorado Springs for the weekend.  In fact, Kaylee and Rebecca's games were at the same field within an hour of each other.  Perfect for grabbing a Subway picnic between the games.

Rebecca Soccer2 Nathan had two games this week.  One was Copa vs Predators.  They are actually in the same division this season.  He enjoyed that game because so many of his friends from school are on that other team.  He is just so fun to watch with all of those fancy moves that he does.  The moves buy him extra time to make some really good passes and plays...

Nathan Soccer5 Nathan Soccer3 Nathan Soccer4

We went to Carrabba's on Saturday night.  I wish Carrabba's would come and cater a meal here at my house each week...


I sat there eating with Steve's parents and mine, AND was thinking and hoping that I get along well with all of the in-laws that my kids marry into.  You do so many things with the other side of the family after marriage.  A wise woman told me once that I don't have to "like" who my kids marry, but I do have to "love" the person they marry, or else I will lose my own child.

I'm lucky that I really love my mother-in-law.  She is such an amazing woman.  I watch how patient she is with Steve's sister, and just don't know how she can always be so calm and sweet.  I'm very grateful to have her as an example to me, and for the amazing son that she raised and that I married!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Visitors and Easter Link

We had a busy week with visitors.  :)

Don and Brenda@

Not only were Stephen's parents in town, but a couple of his sisters, AND my parents.  It was fun and I need to blog about it tonight.

I did promise one of MY sister's that I would share this link - HERE.  It is from this month's Friend magazine.  I love how it summarizes each day of Christ's life leading up to Easter.  It's perfect for scripture reading each night.  I'm hoping to pick up some yummy naan bread from a restaurant here in town to go along with tomorrow's.  Anyway, if you have the friend, cut that section out and save it with your Easter stuff.  It is such a perfect little summary!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nathan's Birthday

We celebrated yet another birthday. We have a lot of family coming into town tomorrow to celebrate this weekend, BUT we couldn't resist a little family party WITH a Baskin Robin's ice cream cake...

 Nathan Bday2Ed Nathan Bday4

I think his favorite gift was this ...

Nathan Bday Soccer

Although it may have been the gift from his brother - Jacob had made him a really funny (totally boy humor) card with a $25 gift card to buy more apps for his i-touch.  I'm so glad that Jacob and Nathan are such good friends. 

Nathan, you are so athletic and fun to watch.  We enjoy your funny personality.  Your little sisters get so excited when you tease and play with them.  They love that attention.  You love playing with your i-touch and usually have your soccer ball at your feet.  If you aren't at a practice, you are usually outside shooting on your goal.  You excel at math, yet don't care for reading.  You are a great piano player.  You are always very organized and time conscientious.  We sure love you and are so grateful to have you in our family. 

Happy Birthday!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Forgotten Garden

I LOVED this book!  I enjoyed how the author wove all of the characters into the story, each telling their part of the mystery.  I just couldn't put it down.  I usually read when I'm waiting for kids in carpool or at their practices, BUT this book I couldn't wait until the next carpool, I had to finish it!
The cover doesn't look that intriguing, but just inside the cover is quite the story. 
I enjoy thoughts and quotes in books.  After I finish a book I go back to all my corners that I've turned down to jot different quotes down, here are a few from the book that liked... 
  • "The happiest folk are those that are busy, for their minds are starved of time to seek out woe."
  • "You mustn't wait a rescue.  A girl expecting rescue never learns to save herself."
  • "He's got about as much patience as a firecracker on a fire."
  • "You make a life out of what you have, and not what you are missing"
Anyway, check it out here - The Forgotten Garden: A Novel
OR if you have read it, I would love to hear your thoughts....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day in Denver

Nathan had a Tuesday evening game in Denver.  The game was actually close to the Denver's Children Museum AND I just couldn't resist fitting that in before the game.  SOOO, I took the little girls and picked up Nathan and the big girls from school after lunch and we headed up to Denver. 

The museum was awesome!  We painted, did bubbles, tap danced, created, and fit in a little pretend play....

Ch MuseumCh Museum3 Ch Museum4 Ch Museum5 Ch Museum6 Ch Museum7Nathan was such a good sport playing with his sisters.  I thought that all of the girls would all be worn out, and just sit calmly to watch Nathan's game.  Uh no, we sat up on a hill to watch the game, and of course there was PLENTY of rolling down the hill.  Cartwheels and front rolls were practiced in abundance. 

Nathan's team lost 3 to 1.  Nathan did get his team's only goal.  It turned out to be a fun and exhausting day.  The only sad part was not having Stephen and Jacob with us. 

Jacob had a band concert the same time as Nathan's game.  That's what is so hard about having so many kids - you miss some of their activities.  Stephen turned it into a fun date with Jake, and then we all sat and watched the video recording of the concert when we got home.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Our Entomologist

So Ashley found a beetle a LONG time ago.  She named him Tom and let him go.  NOW she finds all kinds of Tom's relatives.  She will come in from playing, "Mom, I just found Tom's son ... Mom here is Tom's cousin..."  Along with how they are related, she will include the name of the beetle.  We think she is pretty AWESOME to know her beetles and genealogy of beetles so well...

Meet Juliet from today.  She dated Tom when she was younger but ended up marrying David...

 Julie4t Juliet Julie2t Julie3t

Tom, we sure enjoy all of your family!  Thanks for letting our entomologist study all of you!

Yet Another Random One

LOVED conference over the weekend.  I think we should have it quarterly to give me the boost I need in so many areas.  I enjoyed hearing what my kids' wrote in their journals and the stories that touched them.  It has also been good to analyze parts of it with friends to hear their thoughts. 

I saw this idea here on Brown Paper Packages and had to try it out.  I put random words on six buckets, that were each filled with their own kind of candy.  Any time that they would hear the word they could get up and get one candy out of the bucket.  It was a hit with all of us and we will definitely do it again.  It also keeps everyone awake with all of the getting up and down.

Conference Buckets 
I love seeing bits of Easter decorations here and there.  The little girls are loving these tiny two inch bunnies.

Easter Decor

A couple readers asked about this hairdo.  HERE is a tutorial on the pull through hairdo that I do on the girls.  It's basically two pieces that are separated and then pulled through the split.  Check out that link, she shows a picture by picture tutorial.

Kaylee Photo Shoot3
Then I wanted to share the two books that I recently finished, Sarah's Key and Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom.  I didn't enjoy Sarah's Key, it was just too depressing. 

Stephen had shown me an article on the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and then one of my favorite bloggers had posted about it.  I couldn't resist reading about a different view on parenting, so I went through it.
I did agree with some of her views on Western parents.  I feel that we DO need to have higher expectations for our children and make sure that they are aware of those expectations, and then we need to help them to achieve those expectations.  Nathan has seen me reading this at his practices and we have talked about the book.  When we saw "Rodrick Rules" and Rodrick was teaching Greg how to get away with a "C", Nathan leaned over to me reminding me that this wouldn't work on a Chinese mom.

Amy Chua also writes on the length of her daughters practices for their musical instruments.  They practice two hours a day, and sometimes maybe five or six.  I mentioned this to Nathan as well when he was heading in to practice the piano for 30 minutes.  Nathan feels that this book should NEVER have been printed for parents to read AND that Rodrick needs to hurry and write a rebuttal.... :)

ANYWAY, I also agreed with her view of how a parent should physically be there helping as much as they can with their children's practices.  Amy Chua would sit there for hours with her daughters working through their music lessons.  She would make intricate notes on what they needed to focus on.  I need to be better at that.  Sure it wouldn't work to be there for every minute nor would it be good for the child.  BUT some time in there with their practice would be beneficial.  Many times I send the kids in to practice the piano, knowing the hard pieces that they have and how I should be in there helping them.  Even with sports, I send them out to practice, BUT I don't go out myself helping to rebound or check their form.

I did think she missed such a vital part of childhood, which is the social aspect.  Amy Chua wouldn't let her daughter go on play dates, birthday parties, or sleep overs.  That was a "waste" of time that could be used more wisely.  I feel that we live in a world with MANY others and that we need to learn how to get along and interact with others since they will always be around us, whether it's in school, workforce, family, church... The social aspect is VERY important!

ANYWAY, she did ramble a bit, but I did gain new perspectives that I AM using!  You can check her book out with this link Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother Just don't tell Nathan that I'm spreading the word!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Once there was a SNowMAN

Last week the girls made a snowman.  They rolled their own snowballs around and had grins from ear to ear as they made him...


When he melted (which was only a couple of hours later), drama ensued.  "Why did he have to die mom... Why does the sun have to be so mean and melt him...Why couldn't you have let him come inside..."

My Kids Treasure Drawers

I have a special drawer for each of my kids with their names on them.

Kids Pics

If they receive a special card from someone, an art project, medal, certificate or an assignment that they enjoyed doing in school they can put it into their drawer.  I do try and take pictures of the kids with this kind of stuff but it doesn't always happen.  Stephen and I actually have a drawer as well where we keep cards or notes from each other or from the kids.  It's basically a place to put something before it gets thrown away or lost.

Then in the summer we go through the drawers, see what would be memorable to save and stick it in their scrapbook.  It's not a cutesy, fancy scrapbook - just one that has their special papers and momentos.  Before we stick them in I have a page that has their class picture and a picture of them representing the year.  On that same page I make them answer these questions-

Who were your favorite friends?

What was your favorite subject?

What is your favorite food?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What was your favorite book you read this year?

What was your favorite movie?

What do you enjoy doing when you have free time?

I love looking back at some of their answers in their books.  Nathan wanted to be a library cop when he was little because it would be such an easy job and he could see his kids when they come to the library.  He has moved on wanting to be a dentist because of the money factor.  Rebecca wanted to be a queen of a faraway land.  AND Kaylee has said EVERY year that she wants to be a mom when she grows up.

Some years when I don't get to all of the kids books, I separate the papers I want for that year, put them in a folder and write the above questions with their answers and the year on the folder so that years don't get all mixed up. 

Anyway, that's our little way of keeping all of the special papers, pictures, ribbons, art... all in one place!  It's so easy to say, "run put it in your special drawer".  My FAVORITE drawer is my "Mom" drawer.  I have yet to make it all into a book.  I love reading and looking at all of the sweet notes and pictures.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Priesthood Session

Stephen took both of the boys to the priesthood session meeting and then out to dinner on Saturday.

Priesthood Session

Sure love those three!

Chick Art

We had a Friend Friday and the kids had friends over after school since it was a half day.  Rebecca and her friend made these with the little girls. 

Chick Art 

There is just something about handprint art that I LOVE!  We have him hanging on our fridge for Easter, and he makes me smile every time I see him.

I found the idea HERE on Jill's blog. 

I wish that my older kids would just sit and paint instead of running around flirting with sibling friends, I can sure tell they are getting older.  The flirting is what I get for having kids so close to each other.  I bet Nathan will end up marrying one of Kaylee's friends and vice versa.  Oh, I don't want them to grow up!!!

In Boulder with my Boy

Nathan had a game in Boulder on Saturday.  I love taking the kids to their games or practices because it is such precious one on one time with them.  We had fun laughing and visiting about so many different things.  Nathan has such a funny personality.  I wish I had a picture of him sitting there in shot gun with the sun coming in the window and his huge smile grinning over at me as I teased him.  These pictures from the game will have to suffice for my memory of the day!

Nathan Soccer

Nathan Soccer2 

Beautiful weather in the high 70's, sweet friends to chat with during the game, and a yummy lunch with Nathan ... a perfect afternoon!